We truly believe that every child is a precious gift from God and we look forward to discovering your child’s unique personality and heart as we help them get to know God. inSpirit’s Family Ministry exists to teach children and their families to love God, His Son Jesus Christ, the Bible, one another, and themselves by providing a safe and loving learning environment.

If your children are younger than three years old, they are invited to join us in the inSpirit nursery! Please stop by the Child Check-in kiosk to register your children before bringing them into the nursery.
It is our goal to make sure that our nursery provides a safe, happy, and secure environment for your children. We strive to make each child feel comfortable, welcomed, valued, cared for, and loved. This is where children will get their “First Look” at the church and who Jesus is, and be shown that God made them, loves them, and wants to be their friend forever.
Our nursery staff is composed of trustworthy people from within the inSpirit Church family.
If your children are 3-5 years old, they are invited to join us in inSpirit Pre-K! Once you have checked your children in, you may drop them off in the Pre-K room and pick them up after the service.
inSpirit Pre-K is a fun, exciting, and engaging place to be! At this life-stage we want the kids to be amazed by God and wonder about what God has done for them. Our volunteers will teach about God and His love for them through hands-on activities, upbeat songs, engaging Bible stories, and play.
inSpirit Pre-K is designed so that each preschooler will grow up to believe that God made them, God loves them, and Jesus wants to be their friend forever.

Elementary / Preteen
If your children are in kindergarten through 3rd grade, they are invited to join the inSpirit Elementary! 4th and 5th graders have their own age-appropriate class, Preteen. Once you have checked in your children they can head into the worship area with you for our time of praise and worship. Then they will be called up for a blessing and head out to their class from there. You can pick them up in the Elementary / Preteen rooms after the service.
At this life-stage we want to inspire the kids to follow God and discover what God is doing in them. Leaders will teach the Bible stories in new and exciting ways that will teach the students how to navigate the Bible themselves, and how to apply it to their lives today. Small group leaders will connect with specific age groups to reinforce the stories and life application as they grow in relationship with others and God.
inSpirit Elementary and Preteen are designed to shape identity through planting these basic truths in the heart of our elementary/preteen age children: I need to make a wise choice; I can trust God no matter what; I should treat others the way I want to be treated.

Wondering what we teach in inSpirit Kids? inSpirit Church uses the Orange strategy. The Orange curriculum combines the best practices of childhood development with spiritual training. For more information on Orange, click the button below.

If you have any questions or concerns, or if you would like to volunteer, please contact Lisa.